Whether you're a C-Suite, Rising Leader or Entrepreneur that is making the transition from Founder to CEO, the challenges are significant.
Are you constantly managing diverse personalities while fighting overwhelm or burnout?
Do decisions feel harder than they should with your business feeling more like a high-stress environment?
Is it time to unify your team and inspire trust across the board?
Are you constantly managing diverse personalities while fighting overwhelm or burnout?
Do decisions feel harder than they should with your business feeling more like a high-stress environment?
Is it time to unify your team and inspire trust across the board?
I've led units, teams, and companies in almost every condition imaginable and developed cutting edge training programs for the Top 1% of the Top 1% across various domains. In doing so, I've discovered one consistent thread that separated success from failure.
If you are not "Anchored" or have the skills to anchor in every moment, your chance of success diminishes with every passing second.
Be the calm in the chaos, handling crises with confidence
Make decisions from a place of clarity and stability.
Build trust, unify your team, and inspire exceptional action.
Lead with a confidence that will result in an exponential improvement of performance across your organization.
Lay the groundwork for what it means to be an Anchored Leader and establish a baseline understanding of your strengths, blind spots, and areas for growth.
Develop the ability to stay present and calm in high-pressure situations by mastering nervous system regulation and SAFE-driven leadership.
Learn to identify and leverage emotional signals using the Resonance Framework to enhance your clarity, communication, and resilience as a leader.
When we make decisions from our anchored core as opposed to our internal debate system, they deliver a sense of certainty and confidence necessary for leadership.
This bonus examines the ability to communicate as an exchange of energies, not just words. It grounds the intention of the conversation and leads to unified outcomes.
As leaders our number one commodity is trust. If we don't give it, we don't receive it and if we break it, we must be willing to earn it back. Trust is our legacy.
$97 One Time Purchase
4 primary weeks of email-based conversations with 2 bonus weeks.
Requires 10-15 mins/day based on lesson
Tools and frameworks for anchoring and leading (e.g. Resonance Framework)
Practical exercises and worksheets for immediate application & integration
Results-driven, tailored for real-world leadership challenges.
3 Payments of $250
Organized in a 12 week period
PLUS - 1 Conversation/mo with Jeff
Conversation times (90min-2hrs)
Limited Availability*
Total Purchase $750 paid over 3 months
3 Payments of $500
Organized in a 12 week period
PLUS - 2 Conversation/mo with Jeff
Conversation times (90min-2hrs)
Limited Availability*
Total Purchase $1500 paid over 3 months
Follow the link to purchase program
Receive "set-up" email
Follow the guidance
Program runs in 2-week blocks.
1 week learning - 1 week integration
Optional 1-on-1 sessions for deeper insights.
Engage in the daily conversation
Requires no more than 15 mins a day
Grab the Worksheets
Complete your tasks
Optional 1-on-1 sessions for deeper insights.
Be "in" the conversation
Follow the prompts for action
Complete the "Thought" Exercises
Complete the "Integration" Exercises
Optional 1-on-1 sessions for deeper insights.
"The most innovative..."
"No matter what your leadership style or approach, this is the MOST innovative foundation of leadership I've seen in years."
- Michael Bezdek, Founder, The Conscious Collation
"The foundation of it all"
"Jeff is among the most innovative, energetic, and insightful practitioners of leadership and human performance I have ever had the pleasure to work with or know."
- Paul Toolan, LTC USA SFC (ret), Director Donovan Bank Foundation
"Highly recommend this"
"Testimonial lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim dolor elit."
- Your Name
Here’s the deal… I see the world differently than most people. For three decades I have been someone people relied upon to solve highly complex problems in extreme and often intense situations. In my time as a Firefighter, Airborne Ranger and CIA Counterterrorism Operator and Business Leader, I’ve learned one big lesson - extreme and intense is as uniquely relevant to a person as is a fingerprint.
We all perceive things differently and when we experience something significant, stressful or uncertain, we respond accordingly.
In my past life, I was responsible for development of cutting edge human performance programs for the Emergency Response, Special Operations and Intelligence Community, Professional Athletes, and High Performing Business Leaders. From that work, I have dissected that how we navigate intensity, diversity and complexity at any level and in any situation dictates the outcome.
The insights we can gain from powerful conversations, provides us a greater level of awareness, an improved ability to regulate our own nervous system, and serves as a significant advantage in the behaviors that produce the results we are out to produce. Today I have the amazing opportunity to focus my attention on being a dad and developing conversations that matter for you.
Here’s the deal… I see the world differently than most people. For three decades I have been someone people relied upon to solve highly complex problems in extreme and often intense situations. In my time as a Firefighter, Airborne Ranger and CIA Counterterrorism Operator and Business Leader, I’ve learned one big lesson - extreme and intense is as uniquely relevant to a person as is a fingerprint.
We all perceive things differently and when we experience something significant, stressful or uncertain, we respond accordingly.
In my past life, I was responsible for development of cutting edge human performance programs for the Emergency Response, Special Operations and Intelligence Community, Professional Athletes, and High Performing Business Leaders. From that work, I have dissected that how we navigate intensity, diversity and complexity at any level and in any situation dictates the outcome.
The insights we can gain from powerful conversations, provides us a greater level of awareness, an improved ability to regulate our own nervous system, and serves as a significant advantage in the behaviors that produce the results we are out to produce. Today I have the amazing opportunity to focus my attention on being a dad and developing conversations that matter for you.
Here’s the deal… I see the world differently than most people. For three decades I have been someone people relied upon to solve highly complex problems in extreme and often intense situations. In my time as a Firefighter, Airborne Ranger and CIA Counterterrorism Operator and Business Leader, I’ve learned one big lesson - extreme and intense is as uniquely relevant to a person as is a fingerprint.
We all perceive things differently and when we experience something significant, stressful or uncertain, we respond accordingly.
In my past life, I was responsible for development of cutting edge human performance programs for the Emergency Response, Special Operations and Intelligence Community, Professional Athletes, and High Performing Business Leaders. From that work, I have dissected that how we navigate intensity, diversity and complexity at any level and in any situation dictates the outcome.
The insights we can gain from powerful conversations, provides us a greater level of awareness, an improved ability to regulate our own nervous system, and serves as a significant advantage in the behaviors that produce the results we are out to produce. Today I have the amazing opportunity to focus my attention on being a dad and developing conversations that matter for you.
Every great leader has a moment when they decide to step into their true potential. Make this your moment and become an Anchored Leader.
Have questions or want more details? Just drop me a note and I will be happy to get them answered for you.